Viktor Krum has received an invitation to the one year anniversary of Voldemort's defeat. When they met, Viktor was 18 and Hermione was only 15. Both were quite famous in the wizarding world and held high-ranking jobs in the Ministry of Magic. There is a third conflict between Blaise Zabini and Oliver Wood, the reason will be revealed in the few future chapters. Chapter 1. Viktor Krum. Disclaimer: Viktor Krum et Hermione Granger ne m'appartiennent pas, et sont la creation de J. He turned to Lucius, "Krum is coming to teach and apparently they are already involved. Author's Notes: This was written for. Harry has a secret, he knows the ancient japanese art of Kido (Bakudo, Hado and Kaido). Chapter 1. Only the three sisters of fate would have the twisted sense of humor and irony required to cast Hermione Granger as. "Oh, that's Hermione Granger," replied Cedric. Harry and Ron sat in one of the compartments playing wizard chess; Ron was winning. Harry knew he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but no one believes him, except for Hermione. Soulmate AU When you draw or write on your skin it appears on your soulmate's too. At the end of 6th year, Harry comes into a creature inheritance. FanFiction | unleash. y/n was at the quidditch world cup with her family (roting for Ireland) when the death eaters attacked. Hermione was staring at Viktor Krum. An alternate version of The. " Draco Malfoy crept to the library stealthily. It had been generally agreed upon that the Yule Ball in his fourth year was when Ron Weasley finally realized that his feelings for Hermione Granger Unfortunately, he continued to make an ass of himself for the next three years before the two finally stopped dancing around their feelings for each other. Hermione quickly glanced away, but her gaze skittered right to another pair of eyes—this time dark, almost black, and deep-set underneath a pair of imposing brows. "The wedding is in two weeks, Viktor. Viktor Krum ( Bulgarian: Виктор Крум; born April – August 1976) was a Bulgarian wizard. Neville Longbottom. Hermione was now teaching Krum to say her name properly; he kept calling her ‘Hermy-own. " he whispered. Chapter Nineteen-Sabotaging Viktor Krum. " Ugh! I felt my entire body go rigid at the sound. My take on the relationship between Hermione Granger and Viktor Krum during her fourth year. "St Mungo's. " He held out his hand again, and Viktor shook it. Sequel up. Ron Weasley. Hermione didn't bother to cast a charm to keep them dry, so Viktor did. "Paring: Viktor Krum et Hermione Granger. Viktor's quarters 10:22 am I accidentally told Viktor about the whole fiasco with Ron. Pining. Viktor la observa mientras se aleja. Truth was, even if Viktor knew his name, he hadn't been prepared for the sheer talent this man was displaying. My take on the relationship between Hermione Granger and Viktor Krum during her fourth year. Hermione danced the night away with Krum. But when she finally can talk to the other person, she finds out that they are soulmates. Follow. After Viktor Krum and had come and gone with a miserable Ron Weasely kicking himself for not asking for his autograph Hermione made her way to the library. Hermione Weasley had always felt she had a happy life. Tell her that I love her. He had just escaped from an ambush of two Hufflepuff third years who had dared ask him to the ball. Various teachers and chaperons arrived at the scene, including the Heads of Hogwarts (Albus Dumbledore), Beauxbatons (Melandra Maxime), Durmstrang (Igor Karkaroff), and Hermione's Head of House and then-favourite teacher, Minerva McGonagall. Viktor Krum, a renowned professional Quidditch player and student of Durmstrang, came to Hogwarts in 1994 for the Triwizard Tournament, in which he was a Champion. A broken leg can be a pain. It's exactly what it says on the tin. Chapters: 21 - Words: 37,723 - Reviews: 119 - Favs: 338 - Follows: 167 - Updated: 10/22/2010 - Published: 2/15/2010 - Viktor K. The Headmaster stared at her momentarily before he turns and walk the other way. A Skull is fem!Harry fanfic. Kind of one shot. Harry Potter (23), who was used to known as The Boy Who Lived, and Hermione Granger (23), wife of famous Quidditch player Viktor Krum, died at the Trafalgar Square, where the year 2004 countdown took place. Dozen of men at the age seventeen walked out from under the deck as the gaped in awe at the tall castle. Chapitre 7. "She'd be delighted," Sirius said from the doorway. In a grimdark world of darkness, Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger, Bill Weasley, and Dobby find purpose and meaning in acts of crime against seedy elements. PROLOGUE: Boy Meets Girl Hermione landed ungraciously on her back and winced at the shudder that ripped through her body. She's known for being the Best Beater in the World. Viktor followed her out into the night. Rowling, mais je ne peux m'empecher de rever a leur histoire et a vouloir en dire plus que livre et film reunis. When Durmstrang comes to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament and Viktor Krum meets a Gryffindor girl named Mazikeen who knows what can happen. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 10,335 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 75 - Follows. POV Theodore Nott. He had also been Hermione's date to the Yule Ball (much to Ron's consternation). She goes to Hogwarts on her 4th year. A series of one-shots featuring Hermione Granger in "romantic" situations with various other characters from the Harry Potter Universe. He was done with the wizarding world. "I am Viktor Krum. Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance by epsi10n reviews Salazar Slytherin is reborn as Hermione Granger. Hermione's heart also skipped a beat. Yet Another Viktor Krum Fanfiction by PeculiarFiligree Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. Arabella Black is the talented, American daughter of notorious mass-murderer Sirius Black. "It's bad enough that she's got a hopelessly love-struck Veela trailing after her to begin with, but it appears that this will be Hermione's most difficult year as the Veela in question had to be a famous one with too many paparazzi on his heels and adoring fangirls to spare. While Hermione and Ron might be the canon couple, Hermione and Krum seemed like they might be a better match. Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Some things from her past come back to haunt her but when someone helps her chase away the ghosts of her past,a new love is formed Rated: Fiction M - English - Hermione G. The room instantly grew quiet, filled only with the sound of the infant's gentle sucking and loud breathing. He's quite rude and bigoted. Hermione could see that this helped Viktor relieve the guilt he felt from it being his fault that Hermione was tortured. Green fire flared. Hermione grabbed the smaller of Krum's bags, and the two of them hurried into the warm and inviting interior of the cafe. He looked pointedly at the tables surrounding Hermione. A link to an external website Hermione Granger and Viktor Krum - Fanfic diserahkan oleh a fan of Krum And Hermione. I created my own type of vampires for the story. Hermione and Ron had gone off to get Harry something to wear for the special service being held for Cedric the next night. When he reached the bed, Ron collapsed on top with a dismal flop. By Karategirl666. The fourth school in the Triwizard Tournament has a secret. Voldemort gets arrested by the Muggle police. "Chapter Twenty-eight: Viktor Bloody Krum. On a night out before the first game and he's shocked to find Hermione Granger working behind the bar. Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum Gregory Goyle/Hermione Granger Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy Hermione Granger Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Ron Weasley. With those being her last words, Hermione left the café, leaving her ex-fiancé in shock. " Hermione accepted Krum's hand as well, "It's very nice to. Witch Weekly interviews Viktor Krum's wife and manager Hermione. Percy Jackson thought he was a regular boring kid with issues. Harry Potter | Romance Water Krum Durmstarng Viktor Love Mermaid Hide. Decidí hacer el kinktober con tres ships diferentes: Drarry, Ron/Hermione/Krum y BakuDeku. A smile creeped across her face as Hermione Granger pulled out the book she had been searching for. "I am so sovvy" clutching her injured foot and mortified Hermione looks up slowly "Viktor Krum" she whispers in surprise "Hervmynonny Granger" he smiles down at her before bending to pick up her books, she's still biting her lip to keep from laughing at his. " His voice was thick with emotion. Viktor laughed and said that it was probably only because I was brighter and more driven than the other Slytherins. 19 September 1979) was an English Muggle-born witch born to Mr and Mrs Granger. I, Hermione Granger, will not stay with any man who cheats on me. She was taken aback when he gently took her hand in his and chivalrously kissed her knuckles. "I am Viktor Krum. November 7, 2016. "You,. Despite being married to Ron Weasley, Hermione feels drawn to Krum and they begin a secret affair, but Hermione struggles with guilt and the fear of getting caught. "Don't wait for. Hermione cleared his airways with her wand, "No we don't. Rated M for language, sexual situations, and very OOC characters. " He said. Hermione plan to lose her. " The entry door buzzed and a well-remembered voice snarled, "Enter at your own risk. Whole fanfic re written and edited 50 out of 50 chapters edited. The Headmaster announces right away that there will be a Yule Ball. "Viktor, no!" Krum turned around to face her with a sneer. Viktor gave a small chuckle. There are no second chances. Ginny Weasley. Oh, how he loathed Viktor Krum; how he loathed himself for ever idolizing the man…the man who stole his Hermione from him. " "Harry Potter," Harry said, shaking the offered hand, "Hermione's my girlfriend. "Daddy…when did you know you loved mummy?" Hermione's and Viktor's eyes met and they shared a smile before Viktor pulled his daughter back up into his arms and gave Lexi a warm smile, while he kept one eye on Hermione. MOST RECENT PAIRING: Remus Lupin8 Tom Called Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum) A Lucky Man For Sharing The Dance Floor With Emma. Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Severus S. "You got Hermione pregnant!" the whole Great Hall went quiet, their eyes growing wide and moving back from Ron to. "Come and dance. Follow/Fav Kinktober 2022 (Ron Weasley-Hermione Granger-Viktor Krum) By: Milenrrama. "Hermy, my Liebling. "Vat is wrong?" "Everything," I sniffled. OR: Scenes from the early life of Britain's least-expected (and most radical) Dark Lady. He even tried to conjure up the image of Hermione smiling at him in his mother's kitchen, but all this did was produce the vivid memory of Hermione dancing with Krum. "That's how you make me feel whenever you fight with me," her eyes were filled with tears of their own. "Er – sort of," the ginger said. " Hermione gave a small nod and Viktor took a seat next to her. Now!" Mr Weasley snatched his son up off his knees and Fred already lashed floo powder into the fireplace. Sequel up. Apperition was never going to sit well with him, and Harry quickly sunk to the couch before his last meal could make a reappearance. Chuckling lightly and giving Madame Pince a small. The fourth installment of the potter twin's adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The one man who had truly loved her had been killed during the Final Battle at Hogwarts the prior month. Dice Viktor. It had been days since Ron and Hermione had their, almost kiss. Lavender Brown, or (as I refer to her in my head) the Flaming Tart of Gryffindor, was. c'est le. He looked around the library through his blond locks that shields his eyes. or honorary siblings anyway. Viktor : I love you Hermione Hermione :Love you too. Privación sensorial: Privar de uno o más sentidos a una de las personas, para aumentar su concentración en el resto y que las sensaciones se multipliquen. Smartest witch. This relationship is brought up several times in later books to create tension in Ron and Hermione’s. 2. Picking up the wand from her bedside table, pocketing it, and replacing it with a slip of paper, the Slytherin grabbed the sleeping girl's hand and disapparated from the Burrow. Everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner. Hermione, however, could care less about aesthetics, but she did care about a certain redhead's attention. Puppy Love By: ItWritesStuff. Apparently, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire director, David Yates, was so enamored with the idea of a Krum-Hermione-Ron love triangle that he planned to change JKR’s story in order to make it work for his romantic. ‘Herm – own – ninny. Lilly Rose McGonagall is professor McGonagall's granddaughter. "I promise I vill not be a bother. It all made sense. "Let me of out of here!" screamed Hermione Granger as she pounded her fists furiously against the wooden door of Viktor Krum's bedroom. Viktor Krum has a little sister, Lyra Alexandra Krum, born a couple months after he turns 14. "It's Hermione, you manky sod. , Hermione G. "Stupid Yule Ball. And you can say you've been kissed without saying it was from me, 'cause you know-" she dragged on "-I am Hermione Granger after all, your best friend. Día 22. The moment Fred touched her, he knew in his heart that she belonged to him. The only noise the man made when entering Hermione's room was the slight pop of his apparition. Starts in October of 4th year after the others schools arrive. Hermione would have to stop disappearing, Draco decided furiously over scrambled eggs and bacon. Everyone is surprised when Harry uses Kido instead of his wand. Hermione Granger. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 15,786 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 92 - Updated: 10/25/2006 - Published: 3/9/2006. . In years of playing Quidditch, in years of dodging the press with more or less success, that rune had always remained hidden.